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Marketplace Membership

The Online Marketplace offers a unique, one of a kind Apparel Service.

How It Works

We work with you to determine your apparel needs, and pricing.  Once you have decided on your Stores" content, we launch your Store.  Once your Store goes live, your staff, members, or the public can order and purchase items immediately.  You are now on your way to saving much needed revenue, generating funds for your organization or charity!  Your target audience now has the ability to get their desired Apparel and Accessories in a fast, efficient process.

What Are The Associated Costs

There are no fees to become a member, and our services may be at no cost to you. There are however, certain costs for custom apparel which can range in price varying on your needs and fulfillment requirements.  We generally require a small IID (Initial Inventory Deposit) which we hold for the duration of your membership to back the continuous inventory stock of custom apparel.  We do offer a depletion scale which is negotiable based on your current needs.  Please contact our Sales Team for details.

Just Some Of The Services We Offer

EMP Apparel has the ability and innovation to fully serve your needs beyond Apparel and Accessories.  Not only can we develop and implement digital and print media, we have partnered with InfoRed Design Solutions to enhance our web-based and digital media needs.  From directional cards, brochures, and posters, we also can offer web design, promotional print media, and advertising media.  

Can We Keep Our Vendors?

We are happy to work directly with your current vendors in the event we can not deliver the products you may wish to continue using.  Our goal is to provide the same products and pricing that you may currently offerf without causing an interruption in supply, quality or service.  You may be required to provide us with your vendor account information, contact, and any permission required to obtain access to your products.

EMP Apparel Cares

Periodically we send discount codes and offers to the entire Online Marketplace community.   Through trials we discovered that social media and email blasts generate a surge in orders.  We also found that in certain times of the year, staff tend to forego Work Apparel purchases due to slower sales and less income.  The goal is to keep purchasers motivated to maintain their Apparel throughout the year.  A proven method for success is by offering limited time discounts to our entire Online Marketplace community.

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